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api:api_applications_id [2014/06/26 19:20] – created Lauri | api:api_applications_id [2024/07/30 11:50] (current) – external edit |
Host: | Host: |
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..." | Authorization: DREAM apikey="..." |
| |
| ==== Parameters ==== |
| |
| ^ Name ^ ^ Description ^ Notes ^ |
| | ''expand'' | Optional | Expand the chosen relational element(s), for example ''applicant,offer'' | [4] | |
| |
| * // Note [1]: Some elements in the returned objects are links to other API calls. Using the ''expand'' parameter, it is possible to expand this data to the actual records, saving additional API calls. The full list of possible expansions is ''applicant,flags,courses,offers,documents,tasks,scores''. You can set one or multiple expansions, combining them in a comma-separated fashion to the ''expand'' parameter.// |
| |
==== Response headers ==== | ==== Response headers ==== |
Content-Type: application/json | Content-Type: application/json |
Content-Length: 1234 | Content-Length: 1234 |
| |
| ==== Response example ==== |
| |
| { |
| "profile": { |
| "name": { |
| "given": "Test", |
| "family": "Name" |
| }, |
| "id": "38501234567", |
| "passport": { |
| "number": "K21815615611", |
| "issue": "2002-02-28", |
| "expiry": "2010-02-15" |
| }, |
| "birth": { |
| "date": "1982-01-28", |
| "place": "Tallinn" |
| }, |
| "nationality": "EE", |
| "citizenship": "EE", |
| "gender": "M", |
| "maritial": "M", |
| "family": { |
| "mother": "Mother Name", |
| "father": "Father Name", |
| "guardian": "Some Name" |
| } |
| }, |
| "contact": { |
| "address": { |
| "street": "Some Street 40-15", |
| "municipality": "Tallinn", |
| "postalcode": "10142", |
| "country": "EE" |
| }, |
| "telephone": { |
| "day": "+372 646 12 34", |
| "evening": "+372 646 12 34", |
| "mobile": "+372 53 404 137", |
| "fax": "+372 53 404 137" |
| }, |
| "email": "", |
| "emergency": { |
| "name": "Name Somebody", |
| "telephone": "+372 21 55656" |
| } |
| }, |
| "education": [ |
| { |
| "level": "SE", |
| "course": "", |
| "graduation": { |
| "mm": "05", |
| "yy": "2004" |
| }, |
| "institution": "Tallinna 21. Kool", |
| "country": "EE" |
| }, |
| { |
| "level": "BA", |
| "course": "High School Diploma", |
| "graduation": { |
| "mm": "", |
| "yy": "2007" |
| }, |
| "institution": "Some Business School", |
| "country": "EE" |
| }, |
| { |
| "level": "IN", |
| "course": "Some other programme", |
| "graduation": { |
| "mm": "05", |
| "yy": "2001" |
| }, |
| "institution": "Some Organization", |
| "country": "US" |
| } |
| ], |
| "languages": { |
| "0": { |
| "name": "lv", |
| "proficiency": "B", |
| "experience": "5", |
| "information": "" |
| }, |
| "1": { |
| "name": "en", |
| "proficiency": "P", |
| "experience": "5", |
| "information": "TOEFL PAPER 550" |
| }, |
| "2": { |
| "name": "de", |
| "proficiency": "I", |
| "experience": "5", |
| "information": "" |
| }, |
| "native": "et" |
| }, |
| "career": [ |
| { |
| "employer": "Some Company OÜ", |
| "position": "Head of Development", |
| "period": { |
| "from": { |
| "yy": "2007", |
| "mm": "" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "yy": "2008", |
| "mm": "" |
| } |
| }, |
| "weekly": "" |
| }, |
| { |
| "employer": "Some Company OÜ", |
| "position": "Head of Development", |
| "period": { |
| "from": { |
| "yy": "2008", |
| "mm": "05" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "yy": "2010", |
| "mm": "12" |
| } |
| }, |
| "weekly": "15" |
| } |
| ], |
| "activities": [ |
| { |
| "organization": "Some organization", |
| "nature": "some role description", |
| "period": { |
| "from": { |
| "yy": "2007", |
| "mm": "" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "yy": "2009", |
| "mm": "11" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "residences": [ |
| { |
| "country": "FR", |
| "purpose": "Training", |
| "period": { |
| "from": { |
| "yy": "2007", |
| "mm": "05" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "yy": "2008", |
| "mm": "06" |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| { |
| "country": "LT", |
| "purpose": "Studying", |
| "period": { |
| "from": { |
| "yy": "2007", |
| "mm": "05" |
| }, |
| "to": { |
| "yy": "2008", |
| "mm": "06" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| "motivation": { |
| "general": "\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sem lacus, pellentesque sed cursus sed, ultrices ac orci. Mauris orci nulla, convallis ut semper id, bibendum eu purus. Duis ornare pellentesque nisl, non condimentum augue pellentesque id. Vestibulum mauris felis, convallis id congue vel, dapibus ac ipsum. Vivamus ipsum nisl, imperdiet eget facilisis id, porta hendrerit erat. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam mollis hendrerit urna. Morbi porttitor neque eget justo congue pretium. In ipsum turpis, tincidunt ut commodo nec, viverra sed odio. Donec sit amet lacinia neque. Nam varius sodales tristique. Vivamus rutrum facilisis mauris a dictum. Vestibulum nibh nulla, luctus sit amet malesuada vel, aliquam in urna.\n \n Nullam nisl ipsum, cursus at pharetra ut, porta in dui. Aenean rutrum, massa at rhoncus aliquet, risus justo imperdiet eros, eget interdum nunc neque a lorem. Donec luctus feugiat tincidunt. Suspendisse elementum velit vel nisl mollis non hendrerit arcu eleifend. Fusce vel porttitor est. Maecenas eget tortor ut massa auctor interdum. Nulla facilisi. Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum ac tellus a sem imperdiet tristique. Morbi mauris orci, convallis nec blandit eget, scelerisque nec sem. Ut in turpis et diam porttitor pellentesque. Integer tellus neque, tincidunt luctus malesuada sed, luctus id justo. Nullam nec arcu et ipsum cursus bibendum. Cras sed metus ullamcorper urna posuere posuere. Praesent quis tellus nunc, vitae laoreet orci. Cras blandit iaculis sem eget faucibus.\n \n Donec ullamcorper, est nec rutrum tristique, dui nibh molestie sapien, nec aliquam risus dolor vel enim. Donec in eleifend justo. Quisque leo odio, rutrum eget consectetur at, tempus eu erat. Praesent a purus mi. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque vulputate pharetra erat, non commodo urna pretium a. Sed id nisi orci. Pellentesque vestibulum scelerisque tellus ut auctor. Sed ut libero a justo gravida semper nec nec turpis.\n \n Mauris faucibus elit sit amet tellus condimentum convallis. Sed consectetur semper nisl, at sagittis mi pulvinar eget. Sed diam nisl, tincidunt id congue ac, dapibus nec odio. Donec vitae lorem sed nunc aliquam tristique. Mauris convallis mollis tellus, vitae pharetra nulla elementum at. Aliquam viverra accumsan ipsum. In placerat porttitor pharetra. Quisque ipsum nulla, varius a congue vitae, sodales vitae quam. Mauris non metus sed odio ornare rhoncus vel ac nisl. Suspendisse potenti. In at turpis neque. Nam diam tellus, molestie in tincidunt ac, semper eget diam. \n " |
| }, |
| "extras": [], |
| "misc": { |
| "medical": "", |
| "additional": "" |
| }, |
| "created": "2014-06-20T08:30:19+00:00", |
| "revised": "2014-06-20T08:30:19+00:00", |
| "submitted": null, |
| "status": "Submitted", |
| "academic_term": "/api/academic-terms/321", |
| "applicant": "/api/applicants/16", |
| "flags": "/api/applications/16/flags", |
| "courses": "/api/applications/16/courses", |
| "offers": "/api/applications/16/offers", |
| "exports": "/api/applications/16/exports", |
| "documents": "/api/applications/16/documents" |
| } |