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api:api_applications_id_documents [2015/02/13 15:52] – [HEAD, GET] Lauriapi:api_applications_id_documents [2024/07/30 11:50] (current) – external edit
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 Get a list of documents that have been attached to this application. The ''HEAD'' verb is useful if you only want to test if this application has any documents attached at all (and how many). Use the ''GET'' verb to get the listing of documents. Get a list of documents that have been attached to this application. The ''HEAD'' verb is useful if you only want to test if this application has any documents attached at all (and how many). Use the ''GET'' verb to get the listing of documents.
 +In order to retrieve the binary data of the document, you need to call [[api:api_applications_ID_documents_ID|/api/applications/ID/documents/ID]]. In the example below, you will need to call ''/api/applications/123/documents/222'' to retrieve the first document as an image file.
 Note that an applicant may have more documents but may only choose to attach some (more relevant, perhaps) of them to a particular application. Use the [[api:api_applicants_ID_documents|/api/applicants/ID/documents]] call to see all of the documents that have been uploaded by an applicant. Note that an applicant may have more documents but may only choose to attach some (more relevant, perhaps) of them to a particular application. Use the [[api:api_applicants_ID_documents|/api/applicants/ID/documents]] call to see all of the documents that have been uploaded by an applicant.