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api:api_applications_id_exports_id_blobs_blob [2014/06/26 19:26] – created Lauriapi:api_applications_id_exports_id_blobs_blob [2024/07/30 11:50] (current) – external edit
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 ===== HEAD, GET ===== ===== HEAD, GET =====
-Retreieve the blob (Binary Large OBject) that constitutes the actually exported data. This might be, for example, an exported PDF study contract.+Retrieve the blob (Binary Large OBject) that constitutes the actually exported data. This might be, for example, an exported PDF study contract.
 //This call is different in the sense that currently blob IDs are not integers (as per normal convention), but rather a unique string of potentially varying length. This may change at a future date.// //This call is different in the sense that currently blob IDs are not integers (as per normal convention), but rather a unique string of potentially varying length. This may change at a future date.//