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api:api_applications_id_flags [2014/06/26 19:21] – created Lauriapi:api_applications_id_flags [2024/07/30 11:50] (current) – external edit
Line 3: Line 3:
 ===== HEAD, GET ===== ===== HEAD, GET =====
-List all flags assigned to the application in question.+Get a list of flag associations for the application in question. 
 +**Note that this will not return the flags themselves**, but rather represents the relationships between an application and flags. Follow the flag URI in the response to retrieve further information about the flag in question.
 ==== Syntax ==== ==== Syntax ====
Line 16: Line 18:
   Content-Length: 1234   Content-Length: 1234
   X-Count: 15   X-Count: 15
 +==== Response example ====
 +  {
 +    "123": {
 +        "assigned": "2014-07-11T09:24:51+00:00",
 +        "flag": "/api/applications/flags/123"
 +    },
 +    "321": {
 +        "assigned": "2014-07-11T09:22:14+00:00",
 +        "flag": "/api/applications/flags/321"
 +    }
 +  }