Use the HEAD
verb to test if the application in question has this flag. A request with the GET
verb returns some additional information about the flag association (date assigned etc.).
Note that this will not return the flag itself, but rather represents the relationships between the application and the flag. Follow the flag URI in the response to retrieve further information about the flag in question.
GET /api/applications/123/flags/1 Host: Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 1234
200 OK | The flag is set |
404 Not Found | The flag does not exist |
404 Not Found | The flag was not set to this application |
{ "assigned": "2014-07-11T09:24:51+00:00", "flag": "/api/applications/flags/6" }
Set a flag (identified by it's ID) to the application in question. This requires that the flag already exists. Use POST
/api/applications/flags to create a flag first, then this API call will allow you to PUT
the flag (identified by it's code) to any number of applications.
In other words, this will not create a new flag, but create a relationship (association) between an existing flag and an application.
PUT /api/applications/123/flags/1 Host: Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 0
200 OK | Flag was successfully set |
404 Not Found | The flag does not exist |
Remove the flag (identified by it's ID) from the application in question.
Note that this does not delete the flag itself, only removing it's association with the application in question.
DELETE /api/application/123/flags/1 Host: Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 0
204 No Content | Flag was successfully deleted |
404 Not Found | The flag does not exist |
404 Not Found | The flag was not set to this application |