A request with the GET
verb returns the extra score for the application offer in question.
GET /api/applications/123/offers/321/score/extra Host: apply.example.edu Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 1234
200 OK | The extra score is returned successfully |
404 Not Found | Application does not have this offer |
Set the extra score for the application offer (identified by it's ID) in question. This will check if the given score is a valid value and will assign it to the application offer upon successful validation.
PUT /api/applications/123/offers/321/score/extra Host: apply.example.edu Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
This will be set as the extra score for the application offer in question, upon successful validation.
Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 0
200 OK | Extra score was successfully set |
400 Bad Request | Invalid input. |
400 Bad Request | Invalid score. Score must be a decimal value with 2 decimal points separated by a dot. |
404 Not Found | Application does not have this offer |
Clear the extra score for the application offer (identified by it's ID) in question.
DELETE /api/applications/123/offers/321/score/extra Host: apply.example.edu Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."
Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 0
204 No Content | Score was successfully cleared |
400 Bad Request | Invalid input. |