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A request with the GET verb returns the JSON-encoded matriculation number for this applicant. Note that the value appear to be a double-quoted value, but is a JSON string literal in the strict sense. If there is no matriculation number, null is returned.


GET /api/applicants/123/matriculation
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 123

Response codes

200 OK The matriculation number is returned

Response example



When making a PUT call, the contents of the request body will be stored as the new matriculation number for the applicant in question.

The body must be a JSON encoded string literal, this means that it has to be double-quoted like “ABC123”, not just ABC123. A minimum of 3 and a maximum 16 characters are allowed and the matriculation number can only contain lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, dots, dashes and slashes.

Example curl:

curl -v -X PUT --data '"ABC123"' -H "Authorization: DREAM apikey=\"YOUR_API_KEY\""


PUT /api/applicants/123/reference
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0

Response codes

204 No Content The reference value was stored successfully
400 Bad Request This reference is already assigned to another applicant, or another error - see the returned text for details