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Letterheads are document templates that can be used to generate attachments to offers.

In reality, there is also a middle-step in that process — first a Letter is created from the Letterhead. Such a Letter represents a generated (and potentially user-customised) document, where each template marker has already been replaced by actual applicant data. For the purposes of attaching to an offer, the Letter is converted to a PDF and attached to an offer just like a regular uploaded PDF. All of this happens seamlessly in the UI, however, for the API the entire data model is explicitly shown.


Get a list of all letters that have been generated from


GET /api/applications/123/offers/321/letters
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234
X-Count: 1

Response example

  "1": {
    "id": 1,
    "rendered": "2025-01-02T15:44:09+00:00",
    "letterhead": "/api/letterheads/1",
    "administrator": null




POST /api/applications/123/offers/321/letters
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."


Name Description
letterhead Required Letterhead ID to use as the template for generating this letter

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 0
Location: /api/applications/123/offers/321/letters/1001

Response codes

201 Created New letter was created, rendered to PDF and attached to the offer
400 Bad Request The letterhead ID was not provided as a parameter
404 Not Found The letterhead was not found
400 Bad Request There is already a pre-existing letter generated from this letterhead
400 Bad Request Errors or warnings were encountered when filling the letterhead markers