This is an old revision of the document!



List applicants using the filters set as parameters. The number of applicants is represented in the X-Count header - use the HEAD request to simply count the number of applicants matching the filters. Use the GET request to actually fetch them.


GET /api/applicants
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."


Name Description Notes
byCitizenships Optional List of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes [1]
byEmails Optional List of emails [1]
byTrackerIDs Optional List of tracker ID-s [1] [2] 
byTrackerCodes Optional List of tracker codes [1] [2]
  • Note [1]: Lists can be either comma or space separated. All list items are combined with logical OR operators - in other words an application is considered matching if it matches to any of the values in the list.
  • Note [2]: you may use either tracker ID-s or codes to reference trackers. However ID-s are guaranteed not to change while the tracker codes offer no such guarantee.

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1456
X-Count: 15

Response codes

400 Bad Request One of the filters has bad parameters (see error description)

Response example

  "123": {
      "registered": "2014-06-20T08:13:41+00:00",
      "name": {
          "given": "Joe",
          "middle": "",
          "family": "Smith"
      "email": "",
      "skype": null,
      "phone": "+372 123456789",
      "citizenship": "US",
      "trackers": "/api/applicants/123/trackers",
      "photo": "/api/applicants/123/photo",
      "documents": "/api/applicants/123/documents"