

A request with the GET verb returns the current text in the notes box on the offer card.


GET /api/applications/123/offers/321/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234

Response codes

200 OK The notes were returned successfully
404 Not Found Application does not have this offer

Response example

"Some comments"


Set the notes to some text, overwriting the existing notes.


PUT /api/applications/123/offers/321/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Raw request body

Note that the comments have to be a proper JSON string token. In a JSON string only space is allowed per the specification, newlines, for example, have to be encoded.

"Some notes\nAnother line"

Response headers

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0

Response codes

204 No Content The notes were saved
400 Bad Request Invalid notes. Please make sure that status is a valid JSON string with quotes.
404 Not Found Application does not have this offer


Append some text to existing offer notes, preserving what is already there.


PATCH /api/applications/123/offers/321/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Raw request body

Note that the comments have to be a proper JSON string token. In a JSON string only space is allowed per the specification, newlines, for example, have to be encoded.

"Some notes\nAnother line"

Response headers

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0

Response codes

204 No Content The notes were saved
400 Bad Request Invalid notes. Please make sure that status is a valid JSON string with quotes.
404 Not Found Application does not have this offer