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List invoices using the filters set as parameters. The number of invoices is represented in the X-Count header - use the HEAD request to simply count the number of invoices matching the filters. Use the GET request to actually fetch them.


GET /api/invoices
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."


Name Description Notes
byIssuedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show invoices issued after this.
byCollectedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show invoices collected after this.
byApplicantIDs Optional List of applicant ID-s [1] 
bySerieIDs Optional List of serie ID-s [1] 
byCurrencies Optional List of 3-letter currency symbols [1]
byCollected Optional Set true to only fetch invoices that have been collected. Set false to only fetch invoices that have not been collected yet.
byOverdue Optional Set true to only fetch invoices that are overdue (not collected and deadline has passed). Set false to fetch invoices that are not overdue (collected or deadline not yet arrived).

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234
X-Count: 15

Response example

  "1": {
      "nr": "TUIT-123/2014",
      "applicant": "/api/applicants/65",
      "issued": "2014-07-12T12:09:42+00:00",
      "delivered": "2014-07-12T12:09:57+00:00",
      "deadline": "2019-09-17"
      "reminded": null,
      "collected": null,
      "items": [
              "item": "Tuition fee",
              "price": "1899",
              "qty": "1",
              "unit": "-"
      "collections": [
              "inserted": "2014-07-12T12:09:42+00:00",
              "collected": "2014-07-12",
              "amount": "50.55",
              "administrator": "/api/administrators/123"
      "currency": "EUR",
      "instructions": "dfgsdfgs dfgs\r\ndfg\r\nsdfg\r\nsd\r\nfgsdfgsdfgsdfg",
      "smallprint": "Please make sure that you include the invoice number in the payment transaction. Otherwise the payment may not get properly processed.\r\n\r\nThis invoice has been issued electronically and is valid without a signature. The invoice is issued in accordance to the region that you specified during your registration. If the region (and the currency) is not correct, please contact us for re-issuance."
  "2": {
      "nr": "APPF-223/2014",
      "applicant": "/api/applicants/65",
      "issued": "2014-07-17T10:54:19+00:00",
      "delivered": "2014-07-17T10:54:19+00:00",
      "deadline": "2019-09-17"
      "reminded": null,
      "collected": null,
      "items": [
              "item": "Appfee",
              "price": "44",
              "qty": "1",
              "unit": "-"
      "collections": [],
      "currency": "EUR",
      "instructions": "",
      "smallprint": "Please make sure that you include the invoice number in the payment transaction. Otherwise the payment may not get properly processed.\r\n\r\nThis invoice has been issued electronically and is valid without a signature. The invoice is issued in accordance to the region that you specified during your registration. If the region (and the currency) is not correct, please contact us for re-issuance."