

A request with the GET verb returns the current text in the notes box on the applicant card.


GET /api/applicants/123/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234

Response codes

200 OK The notes are returned successfully

Response example

"Some comments"


Set the notes to some text, overwriting the existing notes.


PUT /api/applicants/123/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Raw request body

Note that the comments have to be a proper JSON string token. In a JSON string only space is allowed per the specification, newlines, for example, have to be encoded.

"Some notes\nAnother line"

Response headers

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0

Response codes

204 No Content The notes were saved
400 Bad Request Invalid notes. Please make sure that status is a valid JSON string with quotes.


Append some text to existing applicant notes, preserving what is already there.


PATCH /api/applicants/123/notes
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Raw request body

Note that the comments have to be a proper JSON string token. In a JSON string only space is allowed per the specification, newlines, for example, have to be encoded.

"Some notes\nAnother line"

Response headers

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0

Response codes

204 No Content The notes were saved
400 Bad Request Invalid notes. Please make sure that status is a valid JSON string with quotes.