

Fetch information about a specific application export identified by the export ID.

All exports are always made against a specific offer (as is evident from the response below). For example, if an applicant has received Accepted offers for two courses, there might be different exports for both of them.

The actual exported (binary) files are called blobs (Binary Large OBjects) and are listed and can be retrieved separately, using the URI given in the reply.


GET /api/applications/123/exports/1
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234

Response example

  "exported": "2014-05-19T13:10:08+00:00",
  "processed": "2014-05-19T13:10:33+00:00",
  "cancelled": null,
  "offer": "/api/offers/60",
  "profile": {
    "code": "CONTRACT",
    "name": "Study contract",
    "adapter": {
      "adapter": "SpecialExportAdapterForABCUniversity",
      "fields": {
        "Contract type": "MSc",
        "Print signatures": "yes"
  "blobs": {
    "/api/applications/123/exports/1/blobs/1-537a02b27c20b": "StudyContract.pdf"