

Get a list of transactions.


GET /api/invoices/transactions
Host: apply.example.edu
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."


Name Description Notes
byInvoiceIDs Optional List of invoice IDs [1] 
byInsertedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show transactions inserted after this.
byInsertedBefore Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show transactions inserted before this.
byCollectedSince Optional YYYY-MM-DD. Only show transactions with collection date later than this.
byCollectedBefore Optional YYYY-MM-DD. Only show transactions with collection date earlier than this.
  • Note [1]: Lists can be either comma or space separated. All list items are combined with logical OR operators - in other words an application is considered matching if it matches to any of the values in the list.

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1234
X-Count: 15

Response example

    "1": {
        "id": 1,
        "amount": "500.00",
        "invoice": "/api/invoices/3",
        "inserted": "2021-10-26T16:24:39+00:00",
        "collected": "2021-10-26",
        "administrator": "/api/administrators/1",
        "payment": null
    "2": {
        "id": 2,
        "amount": "500.00",
        "invoice": "/api/invoices/3",
        "inserted": "2021-10-26T16:25:08+00:00",
        "collected": "2021-10-26",
        "administrator": null,
        "payment": null