This is an old revision of the document!



Retrieve a list of applications that match the set filtering criterion. As per norm, the HEAD verb is useful to just test if such an application exist (and how many).


GET /api/applications
Authorization: DREAM apikey="..."


Name Description Notes
byAcademicTermID Required\\(either one) The academic term to filter by.
byAcademicYear The academic year to filter by.
byCommenceYear Deprecated Year number, for example “2015”. Please use academic year or term now.
byApplicantIDs Optional List of applicant IDs. An application will match if it belongs to one of the listed applicants. [1]
byStatuses Optional List of application statuses. [1]
byCreatedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show applications created after this.
byRevisedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show applications revised after this.
bySubmittedSince Optional ISO 8601 datetime. Only show applications submitted after this.
byCourseIDs Optional List of course IDs. An application will match if it contains at least one of the listed courses. [1]
byCourseTypes Optional List of course types. An application will match if it contains at least one course of the listed types. [1]
byCourseInstitutionIDs Optional List of institution IDs. An application will match if it contains at least one course from the listed institutions. [1]
byCourseIntakeIDs Optional List of intake IDs. An application will match if it contains at least one course under the listed intakes. [1]
byOfferTypes Optional List of offer types. An application will match if it contains at least one offer of the listed types. [1] [2]
byOfferDecisions Optional List of offer decisions. [1] [2]
byOfferInstitutionIDs Optional List of institution IDs. An application will match if it contains at least one offer from the listed institutions. [1]
byFlagIDs Optional List of flag IDs [1] [3]
  • Note [1]: Lists can be either comma or space separated. All list items are combined with logical OR operators - in other words an application is considered matching if it matches to any of the values in the list.
  • Note [2]: This limits selection to applications that have been submitted, since offers (initially in “Unreplied” status) will be created while submitting an application. An application may contain any number of courses, but they will be turned into offers only at submission. This also applies to edits made after submission. For example an applicant may add a course after submission, but the corresponding offer will appear only after submission.
  • Note [3]: Currently only one flag ID can be listed. This limitation will be lifted at a later date.

Response headers

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1456
X-Count: 15

Response example

  "16": {
      "created": "2014-06-20T08:30:19+00:00",
      "revised": "2014-06-20T08:30:19+00:00",
      "submitted": null,
      "status": "Submitted",
      "academic_term": "/api/academic-terms/321",
      "applicant": "/api/applicants/16",
      "flags": "/api/applications/16/flags",
      "courses": "/api/applications/16/courses",
      "offers": "/api/applications/16/offers",
      "exports": "/api/applications/16/exports",
      "documents": "/api/applications/16/documents",
      "studyplans": "/api/applications/16/studyplans"